After viewing another student's glog, I decided right away that it would be a worthwhile tool to use in the classroom. Little did I know how difficult I would find it right off the bat! It reminded me of using Powerpoint for the first time, where you get so worried about the background and design features that you forget about the content. For the students of course, this would be fun. For me, it was a little frustrating. My biggest issue was that I couldn't figure out how to link to another website. After trying with several different sites, I believe that you may be able to link to outside media, but not a website...? Since one of our first science units of the year is on weather, I did a glog on storms: It is definitely a work in progress. I tried linking to the noaa site, a fema site, etc, but nothing worked. Any help would be appreciated!
Overall, I do really like the idea of using glogs in the classroom. I enjoyed reading through other examples and I would love to see my students create them for different units, especially in science and social studies.
Your glog looks great! It takes some tinkering (especially saving and managing glogs), but it is a great way for students to communicate.